Admission tests for DU’s 3 units held

First year admission tests in the undergraduate programmes of Dhaka University (DU) for the academic session of 2023-24 started on Friday (February 23).
The admission tests for the arts, law and social science units were held on the first day (Friday).
The tests were held from 11:00am to 12:30pm. Like previous years, the DU authorities are taking exams on the campus and seven divisional cities across the country to reduce the suffering of students and parents.
The tests of the commerce unit will be held on February 24 (Saturday), science unit’s tests on March 1 (Friday) and fine arts unit’s tests (general knowledge and drawing) on March 9 (Saturday).
A total of 112,274 applications have been submitted. Out of this, 51,391 candidates applied from humanities departments; 48,834 candidates from science departments and 12,049 candidates from business education departments.