MATS students block Shahbagh roads
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Students of the Medical Assistants Training School (MATS) have blocked the roads in the capital’s Shahbagh area to press their four-point demand.
Students gathered at the Shahbagh intersection around 1:00pm on Wednesday and began chanting slogans about their demands. Students from different parts of the country gathered there.
A five-member delegation from the MATS students went to the Secretariat to place their demands.
As a result, vehicular movement at the Shahbagh intersection came to a halt.
The four demands of the MATS students include the immediate recruitment to vacant 10th-grade positions, the creation of new positions in both government and private sectors, and ensuring employment opportunities. They also demand the continuation of the four-year academic course, revision of the curriculum, and the assurance of internships for this year, including stipends.