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HWPL plans 11th annual peace walk in 50 countries

Desk Report || risingbd.com

Published: 15:19, 28 May 2024   Update: 15:28, 28 May 2024
HWPL plans 11th annual peace walk in 50 countries

As conflicts erupt worldwide, threatening global security and coexistence, hope of peace emerges from citizens. In May 2024, citizens across all continents will join hands for HWPL’s 11th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk, organized by a UN-affiliated NGO Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL).

Themed "Communication for Global Citizenship of Reconciliation and Tolerance” this event aims to cultivate and share a global culture of peace.

This annual event commemorates the 2013 proclamation of the Declaration of World Peace at the Peace Gate in Seoul Olympic Park with 30,000 global youth advocating peace. This declaration outlines the roles of individuals from all walks of life in achieving peace and urges a united global effort.

At the 10th annual commemoration last year Chairman Lee Man-hee said, "Since we pledged to work together for world peace 10 years ago, we have been calling for peace all over the world. We have advocated that peace should be taught at home and at school, and that everyone should become messengers of peace."  He also emphasized, "Everyone should be one under the title of peace and work together to create a good world and make it a legacy for future generations. This is what we need to do in this era in which we live."

On May 28, Prof. Dr. Molankal Gangabhushan (Department of Social Work, Assam University) will give a lecture on the theme of 'peace and human rights' at the Auditorium of Asam University Law School. After that, the vice president of Asam University and about 2,000 university students will participate in a peace walk to reflect on peace and human rights.

In addition to Mumbai, HWPL’s 11th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk will be held both online and offline in New Delhi, Bengaluru, Lucknow, and Pune. HWPL stated, "Through these events, we will use this opportunity to strengthen the peace resolve between HWPL and India."
