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Denmark reports no Covid-19 deaths in past 24 hours

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Published: 01:52, 16 May 2020   Update: 15:18, 26 July 2020
Denmark reports no Covid-19 deaths in past 24 hours

Denmark, the first country in Europe to gradually start reopening, reported no coronavirus-related deaths on Friday from the day earlier for the first time since March 13.

Denmark’s total number of confirmed cases rose by 78 to 10,791 since Thursday, with the number of hospitalisations falling by 10 to 137. The death toll remained unchanged at 537.

“Milestone today: In the last day we have had 0 deaths as a result of COVID-19 in Denmark,” Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said on Twitter.

On Tuesday, health authorities said Denmark was “very unlikely” to be hit by a second wave of the virus, as the country entered its second reopening phase, which allows schools for the oldest children, shopping mails and restaurants to reopen.

Despite the reopening, the so-called reproduction rate, which shows the average number of infections caused by one person with the virus, fell to 0.7 in the first week of May from 0.9.

