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Bangladeshi minor among 7 killed in bomb attack in Lybia shelter

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Published: 12:14, 17 May 2020   Update: 15:18, 26 July 2020
Bangladeshi minor among 7 killed in bomb attack in Lybia shelter

Bombs hit a shelter for displaced people in Libya's capital Tripoli, killing at least seven people including a 5-year-old child from Bangladesh, health authorities said on Sunday.

The shelling of the facility in the city's Furnaj district on late Saturday also wounded at least 17 people, including a 52-year-old Bengali migrant and his 5-year-old child, Malek Merset, a spokesman for the capital's ambulance services, said.

The man is also the father of the dead child. It was the latest attack on civilians in the fighting over Tripoli between eastern-based forces under military commander Khalifa Hifter and an array of militias loosely allied with the UN-supported but weak government in the capital.

Merset said that a fire broke out in parts of the shelter housing people displaced by previous clashes in Tripoli. The ambulance services did not say which side was responsible for the shelling. The self-styled Libyan Arab Armed Forces, led by Hifter, launched an offensive to take Tripoli in April last year.

In recent weeks, the fighting has intensified as foreign backers of the two sides stepped up their military support. Hifter is backed by France and Russia, as well as Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and other key Arab countries.

The Tripoli-allied militias are aided by Turkey, which deployed troops and mercenaries to help shore up their allies earlier this year, as well as by Italy and Qatar. Mercenaries, mainly from the Syria battlefield, are now fighting on both sides and complicating an already complex proxy war. _Agencies

