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Covid-19 cases in India cross 13 lakh

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Published: 06:51, 25 July 2020   Update: 15:18, 26 July 2020
Covid-19 cases in India cross 13 lakh

The number of coronavirus cases in India have doubled in nearly three weeks since July 2 when the country crossed the six lakh-mark. The Health Ministry reported on Saturday (July 25) that the number of coronavirus cases in India has crossed 13 lakh.

India has reported 13,06,002 cases so far. Maharashtra has the biggest cases at 3,47,502, followed by Tamil Nadu with 1,99,749 and Delhi with 1,27,364 cases.

In the last 24 hours, the Health Ministry recorded 740 coronavirus-linked deaths. This is the second consecutive day that the country reported a record surge in the number of patients.

The country also overtook France on Friday as the number of deaths linked to Covid-19 crossed 30,000. The number of deaths in India is now the sixth-biggest behind the US, Brazil, Britain, Mexico and Italy.


