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PM undergoes successful gallbladder surgery in US

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Published: 06:38, 27 September 2017   Update: 15:18, 26 July 2020
PM undergoes successful gallbladder surgery in US

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Desk Report: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, now in the United States in connection with the 72nd United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session, underwent a gall bladder operation in Washington. 

"She underwent a successful gall bladder surgery at a Washington hospital at 8:00pm on September 25 (Bangladesh time 6am on Sept 26)," PM's Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim told media over phone from the US capital on September 25 night (Washington time).

The press secretary said earlier the prime minister was taken to the hospital as she suddenly felt pain in abdomen and doctors at the facility conducted her health checkup and decided to perform the surgery.

"She is now completely well after the successful operation . . . she sought 'doa' from the countrymen," Karim said adding that as per doctors advice the premier was now taking rest.

Prime Minister's younger sister Sheikh Rehana and son Sajeeb Wazed Joy were beside Sheikh Hasina who was released from the hospital a day after the surgery while she returned to her place of residence in Washington.

"The prime minister will return home on October 5," Karim said.

Sheikh Hasina reached Washington from New York on Sept 22 afternoon after attending the UNGA session.

After staying in Washington for a week, she was scheduled to return home on October 2 via London.

The prime minister arrived in New York on September 17 to join the UN's annual event.


risingbd/Dhaka/Sep 27, 2017/Saiful/Nasim
