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‘New law will not bar graft prevention or accused arrest’

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Published: 11:30, 25 October 2018   Update: 15:18, 26 July 2020
‘New law will not bar graft prevention or accused arrest’

Staff Correspondent: Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Chairman Iqbal Mahmood said the recently passed Public Service Bill, 2018 will not create any obstruction to prevent corruption or to arrest accused.

He told this to the reporters in front of ACC headquarters in the capital on Thursday.

On Wednesday, The Public Service Bill, 2018 was passed in the Jatiya Sangsad with a view to enacting an integrated law for the government service holders.

ACC chairman said, “I have yet not seen the bill, but known through media. I as much as know through newspaper that it will not create obstruction to our duties, rather it will assist us.”

“According to the law, no public servant should be arrested for criminal offence during government duties. Is it government duty to take bribery? So, where is the problem?” he added.

Iqbal Mahmood said, “Those are happy with the law are not intelligent. I can tell you that there is nothing to become happy for someone with the law. The law will not create any hindrance to continue corruption prevention drive.”

When asked about arrest without government arrest, he said, “Listen, the arrest is another fact. If there is possibility for accused to leave the country, Investigation Officer (IO) will arrest him. It depends on IO. So, there is no problem with the law.”

When asked whether the law is contradictory to the ACC law, he said, “Brother, I’m not a lawyer. I cannot tell this. ACC will not face any problem to arrest the person who will take bribery.”

risingbd/Dhaka/October 25, 2018/M A Rahman/A K Azad
