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Sunlight kills coronavirus in 34 minutes, research claims

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Published: 15:24, 24 June 2020   Update: 15:18, 26 July 2020
Sunlight kills coronavirus in 34 minutes, research claims

A new research claims that spending time in the sunshine can help to reduce risk of coronavirus.

Two scientists Jose-Luis Sagripanti and David Lytle - a US Army veteran and former employee at the Food and Drug Administration, respectively made the disclosure in the study.

They said that strong sunlight can destroy coronavirus in just 34 minutes.

In the study, the researchers analysed how well UV sunlight could kill the virus in various cities at different times of the year.

The analysis suggests that ‘midday sunlight in most US and world cities during summer’ can wipe out 90% of coronavirus living on surfaces in just 34 minutes.

In contrast, from December until March, the researchers suggest that the virus can live on surfaces for up to a day or more.

In their study, published in Photochemistry and Photobiology, the researchers wrote: “The presented data indicate that SARS-CoV-2 should be inactivated relatively fast (faster than influenza A) during summer in many populous cities of the world, indicating that sunlight should have a role in the occurrence, spread rate, and duration of coronavirus pandemics.”

However, the World Health Organisation has warned that sunlight does not prevent coronavirus.

It explained: “Exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees DOES NOT prevent the coronavirus disease.”

WHO also advised against using UV lamps to try to combat the virus. It said: “UV lamps should not be used to sterilize hands or other areas of skin as UV radiation can cause skin irritation.” _Agencies

