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Tight security in city centering BNP's rally

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Published: 06:12, 30 September 2018   Update: 15:18, 26 July 2020
Tight security in city centering BNP's rally

Staff Correspondent: Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has taken adequate security measures centering the programme of BNP at Suhrawardy Udyan in capital.

Maruf Hossain Sardar, deputy commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (Ramna zone) told risingbd.com that all types of necessary steps have been taken to avoid any untoward situations.

Additional police forces were deployed in the programme venue. If anyone tries to create troublesome situation then, strict action will be taken.

RAB Director (Media and Legal wing) Commander Mufti Mahmud Khan said stern action will be taken if anyone tries to set fire in name of programme.

A top officials of police said, BNP and Jamaat-Shibir tried to create anarchy and sabotage centering rally on January 5 last year. That’s why police forces took sufficient measures.

risingbd/Dhaka/Sep 30, 2018/Maksud/Nasim
